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"When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish". Ch. 21, V.18, Holy Quran.******

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General Awareness for All | Cultural Shock | Islamic Banking | Professionalism | Fake Degree | Bubbling Controversy | Motor Insurance in Saudi Arabia | Surge in Medical Insurance | Type of Insurance Policies | Job Oriented Training | Knee Jerk Reaction | Swing Flu Scare | Fire Safety | Umra and Uglly virus H1N1 | Collaborative Culture | Fire Prevention | Afghanistan towards credible Democracy | Insurance of Construction and Erection | Hyderabadi Ramadan in Saudi Arabia | Solar Energy | Job Oriented Training | Elusive Charity | Victims of recession | Nigeria Violence | War Hysteria | Police Clearance | Medical Malpractice Insurance | Corporate Governance | Jinn in my Office | Insurance Industry | World in Turmoil | Benefits of honey | Chinese writeup | Hindi writeup | Urdu writeup | Arabic writeup | Non-Financial Risk Management for Bank Managers | First Saudi Insurance Symposium | Insurance Companies and Links | My visit ot Eastern Province | Beware of Terrorism | Some Lotteries and Offers | World Cup Cricket - Semi final | IFCE course Willis Dammam | Congratulations to India for winning | Insurance Industry in India | Excess and or Deductible | Punishment in school against motion | Burqa Ban in France - Debate | Insurance Foundation Certificate Test 3 | Insurance Foundation Certificate Test 2 | Insurance Foundation Certificate Test 1 | Nostalgic Moments | Meeting Photographs -Royal and SunAlliance | Jeddah visit | Heavy Weights and Contributors | Training at Institute of Banking | General Insurance Companies in India | List of hopsital in Saudi Arabia | List of Insurance Companies in Saudi Arabia | Training at Carltorn Hotel | Non-Financial Risk Management for Bank Managers -2011 | IFCE course Jeddah | Indian Passport pressing Question



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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

MPHIL/PHD Entrance Exam Jan-2013 Cycle - IGNOU

Please click the following link for the latest announcement of IGNOU MPHIL / PHD Jan 2013 cycle

The following candidates have been selected to appear in the Entrance Test to be held on 29th September 2012 at IGNOU, Classroom Block, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068 at 11.00 AM. The candidates are advised to download the Hall Ticket from the IGNOU Website and paste their latest photograph. They should also bring all their Educational Qualifications documents for scrutiny.

The Applications of the following candidates have been examined and sent to the concerned Schools for scrutiny and holding the Interviews. The School will inform the candidates the date of Selection Interview. They should also bring all their Educational Qualifications documents for scrutiny.

The Applications of the following candidates have been examined and not found eligible for admission for the reasons indicated against their names.